
Felt Animal - Wilhelmina the Platypus

Meet Wilhelmina!

Felt Animal - Wilhelmina the Platypus

Meet Wilhelmina!

Meerkat and Ninja

It has been a busy week. Lots of doodles for new Squshies. Mostly dogs. Lots of dogs. All kinds of different types of dogs.  It is going to be a...

Meerkat and Ninja

It has been a busy week. Lots of doodles for new Squshies. Mostly dogs. Lots of dogs. All kinds of different types of dogs.  It is going to be a...

A Manatee and a Monster

Busy week last week of re-doing almost all the photos in the shop. There are a few photos left that need to be updated like the Reindeer Support Team, who aren't...

A Manatee and a Monster

Busy week last week of re-doing almost all the photos in the shop. There are a few photos left that need to be updated like the Reindeer Support Team, who aren't...

Red River Hog, Wombat, and Armadillo

I got behind on the blog again. Bad me. Not entirely my bad blogging skills this time. Some last minute cat sitting had me away from home all week so...

Red River Hog, Wombat, and Armadillo

I got behind on the blog again. Bad me. Not entirely my bad blogging skills this time. Some last minute cat sitting had me away from home all week so...

Felt Animal - Lion, Koala and Colobus Monkey

 Finally going to catch the blog up with all the stuff in the shop. We'll see how long that lasts. I'm always so terrible about keeping up with blog posts....

Felt Animal - Lion, Koala and Colobus Monkey

 Finally going to catch the blog up with all the stuff in the shop. We'll see how long that lasts. I'm always so terrible about keeping up with blog posts....

Filling up with dinosaurs

I didn't really expect project dinosaur to be so full of dinosaurs. It was just a funny name for motivating us to finish projects. Seems most of my projects are dinosaurs. Especially...

Filling up with dinosaurs

I didn't really expect project dinosaur to be so full of dinosaurs. It was just a funny name for motivating us to finish projects. Seems most of my projects are dinosaurs. Especially...