Meety Monday - Artist Interview - Rebekka from Zoobekkacreations

Welcome to Meety Monday! I'm super excited to have Rebekka from Zoobekkacreations on the blog today! Rebekka is an artist I met on Instagram through doing #dailyzoodle. Not only does she make the cutest animal sculptures, but she's also a zookeeper! How awesome is that?
Enough from me! Let's meet Rebekka

 Who are you? and where can we find your amazing work?

Hi Y'all, I am Rebekka, aka "zoobekka", I am a zookeeper by day, and polymer clay artist in all my other spare time. Here is where my critters live.....


How did you get started doing this thing you do?

I had the World's most AWESOME Mom, who was very artsy herself, and let me scribble outside the lines as a kid. So I think it's probably written in my DNA code. But I started with polymer clay back in my teenage days, and really liked it. But you know how it, full time job and a Hubby. I always was doing some art project or another though, and then one day there was a 50% off polymer clay sale at the local craft store, and I was like, "I should try that again"....and the rest as they say is history!

What's your workplace like?

Creativity is messy right? I like to try to stay organized, but in the middle of projects there usually are critter parts and pieces everywhere!

What materials and tools do you use to make your art?

Polymer clay, paint, varnish, glass beads for eyeballs, and don't forget the glitter!

Where do you find your inspiration too create?

Well, with a whole kingdom of animals, inspiration in everywhere! I also love vintage, retro, bright bold colors, holidays and Day of the Dead. So I don't think I will ever run out of wonderful ideas!

Those were the serious questions! Now for some fun ones!
What animal do you fear?

I work with the ones most people run the other way from. Does Megan Fox count? She scares me.

If you could be a wild animal for a day, what animal would it be?

I would be a Ferret, and catch up on some sleep!

What kind of pet person are you?

I am a Hippo person.

Sock, sock, shoe shoe or sock, shoe, sock shoe?

Sock, shoe, sock, shoe.

Do you have any superstitions?

No I don't, but I totally sing along to that song when it comes on the radio in my car!

What's your favorite snack while working?
The kind with caffeine!

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Disneyland! In the Haunted Mansion or maybe the Tiki Room.

Don't forget to connect with Rebekka on Facebook and Instagram and visit her shop!

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